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What Can Guys Do About an Unexpected Pregnancy?

What Can Guys Do with an Unplanned Pregnancy?

An unexpected pregnancy can make everything in your life feel out of control. Suddenly, you are still determining what your future looks like and how you will go about pursuing your goals. While you can’t control the situation, you can manage your response. Aim to stay calm and be supportive of your partner during this time.

How to Tell Your Boyfriend and Family You Are Pregnant

Young woman sits at her computer thinking about how she's going to tell her parents she's pregnant.

Facing an unexpected pregnancy is challenging, and it makes sense that you want the people closest to you to know about your pregnancy as soon as possible so they can support you. But telling them can feel overwhelming and scary if you’re unsure how they will react. 

7 Top Pregnancy Symptoms

7 Top Pregnancy Symptoms

Early pregnancy symptoms can vary between women, with some women experiencing fewer symptoms and others experiencing many symptoms.

How Do I Tell My Parents I am Pregnant?

Young girl scared to tell her parents she is pregnant.

Finding out you are pregnant can be an overwhelming experience. When you consider sharing your news with the people you love, you might worry about how they will react or how it might change your relationship with them. 

What Are the Early Pregnancy Symptoms?

Curious woman wondering what the early symptoms of pregnancy are.

Are you wondering why you’ve been feeling sick lately? If you’ve recently had unprotected (or maybe even protected) sex and your body is telling you something is different, you could be pregnant. 

St. Petersburg Pregnancy Center, The Next Step

“I am so grateful for this pregnancy center. The staff is amazing! You guys have truly blessed my life with the boutique because with the way my bank account is set up I would’ve been doomed! Seriously, thank you so much Next Step Center!”

North River Care

“LOVE, LOVE my experience at this center. It’s such an amazing resource center. The support is so helpful, the information is so useful.”

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